by Concrete Foundation | Aug 15, 2021 | Foundation Repair
While we’ve had a dry spring and summer, but that wasn’t the case just a few years ago. Every year our region has the chance of flooding from phenomenons like quickly melting snow, heavy rains, or high rivers/lakes, so it’s important to prepare your home. In the event...
by Concrete Foundation | Apr 13, 2021 | Foundation Repair
Whether you’re moving into a newer home or have been in yours for over 10+ years, there are common foundation damages you might encounter over time. However, what do the cracks you might see mean? Here are the top three issues you’ll most likely see in a naturally...
by Concrete Foundation | Feb 13, 2021 | Foundation Repair
We’ve seen our fair share of minor and major foundation damage over the combined 20 years of experience our team brings to the table. It could be as simple as some small cracks in the walls or more obvious signs like sinking floors and holes in foundation walls. No...
by Concrete Foundation | Jan 13, 2021 | Foundation Repair
Even though the ground is covered in snow and frozen, it won’t be too many more weeks until we experience the spring thaw. If your home has experienced water intrustion in the past, you will want to be vigilent about watching for signs of water. A basement doesn’t...
by Concrete Foundation | Dec 14, 2020 | Foundation, Foundation Repair
While it’s always a good idea to have experts come inspect your foundation when you suspect damage, there’s also some ways you can guess the state of your foundation. Keep an eye out for these common signs: Foundation Cracks in the Wall of Floor While it’s normal for...
by Concrete Foundation | Nov 15, 2020 | Foundation, Foundation Repair
When winter finally hits the Midwest, a lot of homeowners think that they’ll have to wait until spring to get foundation services done. However, this isn’t true at all. Just like how foundation damage can happen year-round, our foundation experts will also be...